Dobot Magician

In this case study, a model of the Dobot Magician was created with a suction cup as its end-tool. It can be manipulated for two kinds of actions via our application. One is called ‘New Movement’ and the other one is ‘New Suction Toggle’.

  • New Movement: This button adds a new "Move Robot To" command. This programs the Dobot (arm) to actually move to the corresponding position.
  • New Suction Toggle: This button adds a new "Toggle Suction Cup" command, which enables the toggling of the suction cup.

"Make&Run Code" button compiles the current commands on the Touch Input. Afterwards, these are shown in the Code Panel and executed on the simulated virtual Dobot. Additionally, the waypoints are shown. These represent the path that the Dobot has to take.

Result of Make&Run Code button press